
Citizen Kane

Citizen Kane : 8 Musique

BO du film

1. Main Titled
2. Rosebud
3. News on the March
4. Searching Traces on the Thatcher Library
5. Arrival to "The Chronicle"
6. Kane Meet Benrnstein
7. Party on "The Inquirer"
8. Mr. Kane Politician
9. Kane and Miss Susan
10. Operatic Fiasco at the Opera House
11. Memories of the Susan Life
12. Decline of a Bel Canto Diva
13. Disbanding Xanadu
14. End Titled
15. Main Title
16. Arrogant Ambersons
17. Great Ball
18. Young People Promenade
19. Death of Wilbur Minafer
20. Morgan's Love Letter from Isabel
21. Isabel Death
22. End Titled

BO du film

1. prelude
2. rain
3. litany
4. manuscript reading and snow picture
5. mother's sacrifice
6. charles meets thatcher
7. galop
8. dissolve
9. second manuscript
10. thanks'
11. bernstein's narration
12. kane's new office
13. hornpipe polka
14. carter's exit
15. chronicle scherzo
16. bernstein's presto
17. kane's return
18. valse presentation
19. sunset narration
20. theme and variations
21. kane and susan
22. susan's room
23. mother memory
24. the trip
25. getty's departure
26. kane marries
27. salaambo's aria
28. leland's dismissal
29. new dawn music
30. xanadu
31. jigsaws
32. secon xanadu
33. kane's picnic
34. susan leaves
35. el rancho
36. the glass ball
37. finale
38. the night
39. xanadu music
40. dawn

